SARAH EMSLIE - Zamfira Rusu
Sarah is a recent graduate from the University of Alberta Bachelor of Fine Arts Program in Acting. Selected acting credits include Middletown, All For Love, Lenin’s Embalmers (Studio Theatre), Concord Floral (10/12 Productions), Romeo and Juliet, The Miser,Concord Floral (University of Alberta), and Polaroid Stories (Citadel Theatre Young Company). In addition, she assistant directed the 2017 run of Everyone We Know Will Be There (Tiny Bear Jaws) and recently had her directorial and playwrighting debut at Nextfest 2019 with her show Once We Were Queens. She would like to thank her cat Louie for keeping her tethered to the earth. She hopes you enjoy the show.
Fun Fact: Sarah has had 11 concussions and rides a razor scooter to work every day.